Happy excited young woman giving you gift box over yellow background

A growing number of athletic programs are finding unique ways to recognize graduating or retiring athletes. And while simple graduation plaques with room for diplomas may be a perfect way to recognize academic efforts, athletic departments also want to make sure that they recognize athletic efforts. Thank you plaques, which are sometimes attached to framed leotards, jerseys, and other uniforms, offer one significant way to recognize an athlete.
If you are in a season of celebration then you likely understand the challenge of finding the perfect gift. From pastor and wife tribute plaques to gifts for retiring athletes, it is important to find the best way to recognize the efforts of those who have meant the most to your program.
Service and Thank You Gift Plaques Provide a Great Way to Recognize Retiring Individuals
From custom crystal plaques that are presented at an end of the year celebration in many school districts to the more unique pastor and wife tribute plaque that a congregation may only present once or twice in a decade, there are many ways that administrators and congregation members alike can use.
Consider this interesting list of the many events that people like to recognize and celebrate:
- One of the reasons that there is such a need for health care professionals is that more than 500,000 registered nurses are anticipated to retire by the year 2022.
- 91% of pastors have said they’ve experienced some form of burnout in the ministry
- 40,000 students graduate from law school each year, and many of them want a way to display their graduation diploma in a new law office or space.
- The average CEO tenure has decreased from about 10 years in the 1990s to about 5.5 years today, so it is worth the expense to recognize a leader who stays at a job for an extended period of time
- as proof, 86% of companies with employee recognition programs indicate that they see an increase in worker happiness./li>
- The average age of retirement is 63, but no matter how old they are when they retire, most people appreciate getting recognition for the work they have contributed/
We live in a time when many people switch jobs rather frequently, so it should come as no surprise that there are many companies, school districts, congregations, and other groups that want to recognize individuals, or groups of individuals, who show an extended period of commitment.