Are you a new Minecraft player? While Minecraft is fun to play on your own, it’s even more fun to play on a server with other people. Some people use Minecraft server hosting services to create their own servers and play with their friends. Others share their servers online and get as many people to play on them as possible.
Some of these servers can dramatically change the way you place Minecraft.
The video here showcases some of the most popular and fun Minecraft servers to play on this year. These servers don’t just have vanilla Minecraft on them. They include advanced modifications that dramatically change what players experience. For example, you could join a pirate-themed server where giant pirate ships actually sail across large oceans. Or you could join a server that mimics another game. Some servers mimic games like Grand Theft Auto to give players a completely new gameplay experience.
No matter what you’re looking for when you play Minecraft, you’re sure to find it if you look for a popular server online. Check out the video to see the full list of the best and most unique servers from this year.