Gift Your Child a 1000 Pc Puzzle

Study after study has suggested the negative impact electronics are having on developing brains. Children who spent increased amounts of time playing video games or spending an excessive amount on time watching television, on social media, or texting are stunting their mental growth, decreasing their overall attention span, as well as stunting their critical thinking skills.

Before the onset of the video game and social media era, kids spent time outside, playing board games and doing puzzles. These were the common activities used to engage children while also enhancing their critical thinking, problem solving, and imagination.

Puzzles are still a great way to enhance those skills while providing a fun activity that the whole family can participate in. A 1000 pc puzzle is hard enough to take time and focus, but not so hard that the child will lose interest. It is a great way to spend time with your child while helping them grow intellectually.

The excitement of seeing your hard work pay off can help children learn valuable lessons about achieving goals and not giving up when something gets difficult. Working with your child putting together a 1000 pc puzzle will also teach them more about team work, strategy,and being able to rely on you for help.

Easy puzzles are great for younger children who are still learning howto put puzzles together but will quickly get boring for older children. Really difficult puzzles like 2000 piece puzzles may be so hard that the child loses interest. The important thing is to find moderately difficult puzzles that will challenge the child while also allowing them to make visual progress.

Puzzles can also be used to create a fun family challenge as you work together on it. You can work with your child to determine the best strategy. With larger puzzles, it is important to have a system in mind. Otherwise,simply staring at a pile of tiny pieces will feel overwhelming and not fun at all.

Another benefit of doing puzzles with your children is that it will instill in them a hobby that can stay with them for a lifetime. There is no limit to the number of puzzles they can try to put together. They can choose puzzles that are themed in something they love whether it be a scenic place or a film or television show. There are an enormous amount of puzzles and new ones being made every day.

A 1000 pc puzzle can provide a high level of detail making nearly any image possible. Puzzles are affordable and make great gifts. They can also be done over and over again or passed on to another puzzle loving family. Buying puzzles as gifts is an investment in family time and educational empowerment for your children.

Puzzles are fun and challenging,and you will be giving your children a lifetime gift by teaching them to do puzzles and encouraging them to challenge themselves with increasingly more difficult puzzles.

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